วันจันทร์ที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

Secret to CHARISMA

Why some people are shining when they walk into the room? We feel instantly connected and admire that they are SO charming. Well, it is CHARISMA. Charisma is easy to spot but not so easy to define.

Charisma is considered a mystery. It is easy to see but very hard to define. Bill Clinton and Obama are examples of charismatic persons. Charisma is ability to evoke others' emotions and people feel great when they are with charismatic people.

How do we learn to become charismatic and charming? We can learn to practice and develop our charisma by:

1. Being POSITIVE. React and respond positively. Re-frame your thoughts to find positive aspects in every event in your life.

2. Having SELF-ESTEEM. Feeling good about ourselves. Eliminate negative self-talks.

3. Feeling HAPPY inside. Happiness is contagious. When you're happy, your body pumps out good chemical substances and trigger good feelings inside you.

4. Making CONVERSATION LIVELY. Be self-aware when using our voice: Low PITCH, Happy TONALITY, Right PACE, Right VOLUME, even RHYTHM.

5. Active LISTENING. Most people don't listen. They pretend to listen. They smile and nod and secretly think of things to say next. This is not listening. Listen with your whole heart. Observe nonverbal languages. Feel how they feel. Understand their intents.

6. SMILE. You can connect with other people by smiling. Smiling makes you charming.

7. BODY LANGUAGE and EYE CONTACT. Use your physiology to express how you feel. Motion creates emotion.

8. Be CONFIDENT. Your energy is magnetic. It attracts other people.

Practice to use these tips to convey your message and signal to make others feeling emotions. Charisma is not only what you say but how you react or respond to other people and how you make them feel. Practice the 8 techniques everyday. Practice makes perfect!!!

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