วันจันทร์ที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

Secret to CHARISMA

Why some people are shining when they walk into the room? We feel instantly connected and admire that they are SO charming. Well, it is CHARISMA. Charisma is easy to spot but not so easy to define.

Charisma is considered a mystery. It is easy to see but very hard to define. Bill Clinton and Obama are examples of charismatic persons. Charisma is ability to evoke others' emotions and people feel great when they are with charismatic people.

How do we learn to become charismatic and charming? We can learn to practice and develop our charisma by:

1. Being POSITIVE. React and respond positively. Re-frame your thoughts to find positive aspects in every event in your life.

2. Having SELF-ESTEEM. Feeling good about ourselves. Eliminate negative self-talks.

3. Feeling HAPPY inside. Happiness is contagious. When you're happy, your body pumps out good chemical substances and trigger good feelings inside you.

4. Making CONVERSATION LIVELY. Be self-aware when using our voice: Low PITCH, Happy TONALITY, Right PACE, Right VOLUME, even RHYTHM.

5. Active LISTENING. Most people don't listen. They pretend to listen. They smile and nod and secretly think of things to say next. This is not listening. Listen with your whole heart. Observe nonverbal languages. Feel how they feel. Understand their intents.

6. SMILE. You can connect with other people by smiling. Smiling makes you charming.

7. BODY LANGUAGE and EYE CONTACT. Use your physiology to express how you feel. Motion creates emotion.

8. Be CONFIDENT. Your energy is magnetic. It attracts other people.

Practice to use these tips to convey your message and signal to make others feeling emotions. Charisma is not only what you say but how you react or respond to other people and how you make them feel. Practice the 8 techniques everyday. Practice makes perfect!!!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557


Anthony Robbins is is one of my favorite inspirational speakers. Today I have watched his VDO and I'd like to share the insights with you.

He revealed how to create long-term happiness and how to breakthrough. Everyone wants to be successful because we want to feel like we are growing. People always ask him how to be happy. He always reply one word "PROGRESS".


This is a formula for happiness. Even when you are not your destiny yet; If you keep moving forward and you are making progress, you will love and enjoy your life. You will feel alive.

On the other hand, even when you are successful and you stop making progress and growing, you will feel dying deep down inside.

If we want to understand how to make ourselves happy, we have to understand our own internal map or blueprint. 

An internal map or blueprint is inside our head that determines how our life should be. For example, we want to work hard; we want to be a nice person; we want to excel in career; we want to be rich This is a blueprint or an internal map.

In order for you to feel like you are fulfill and happy, you have to achieve what you want in your blueprint.

Think of any areas of your life you are very pleased and happy about it. Why are you happy about it? You are happy in that area of your life because your life in that area matches or exceed your expectation in your blueprint. Or you fulfill your belief about how life should be in that area.

For example, if your blueprint says "I have to be strong and healthy", and currently you are very healthy and strong. Thus, you will be happy with that area.

Formula for happiness is to meet or exceed your expectation about your life mapped in your blueprint.

Think about areas you are not happy with; The areas that cause pain, stress and frustration. Those areas may be: Finance, family, career or relationships. We have limited time in our life. Sometimes we spend too much time in one area on the expenses of other areas. Your life may not match your blueprint. So, how to close the gap of where you are right now and where you want to be?

If you realize that your life does not match your blueprint, and you do nothing and feel hopeless, that when you experience suffered.

You only have 3 choices to deal with it:

1. Blame someone or something - Although you feel better, in the long run this choice destroys you.
2. Do something to change your life - Find the way to breakthrough whatever it takes.
3. Change your blueprint - Change your map or expectation.

If you do 2 and 3 together, you will have wonderful life because your life will match your blueprint.

An example, many movie stars are successful, handsome, beautiful, rich and successful. They seem to have everything in their lives. But why many of them feel depressed, helpless and some committed suicide. That is because their lives do not match how they think it should be in their blueprints. Thus, they need to change their lives and/or their blueprints.

LIFE = BLUEPRINT; a formula of happiness!!!

Now it's time to start looking at your blueprint. If you are doing great at some areas of your life, celebrate it. For other areas, change your life or your blueprint. The goal is to match your life and your blueprint.

Remember!!! Two things in life make you feel alive: Growing and Giving. Improve yourself and help others, you will be extremely happy.

Live strong, live with passion!!!!

VISION to SUCCESS (Law of Attraction)

I have listened to Joel Osteen's clips. What he said have inspired me a lot. Today I would like to share some with you. It might boost your motivation towards a success in your life. 

If you want to be SUCCESSFUL, you have to see yourself successful. Everyone of us has a mental picture of our future in his or her mind. How you see yourself will determine what kind of life you live.  You will move towards the picture of what you have in your mind. 

If you want a success, victory, health, happiness, abundance, firstly you have to see and picture yourself successful. When you close your eyes, in your imagination, you need to see yourself the way you want to be. You have to have faith and see yourself rising higher. Overcome the obstacle. Fulfill your destiny!!!

The image has to start from the inside before it happens to the outside.  It is a VISION of victory. One way to change your life is to change pictures in your imagination.

Close your eyes and see yourself stronger, healthier and wiser. See your family healthy, happy and prosperous. These are images you should keep in front of you. The universe will draw you into those images. You will move towards what images you have in your mind.

Get rid of the images of lack, limitation, defeat, sickness and poverty. Imagine you are a VICTOR, not VICTIM.  One way to change your life is to change the pictures in your own imagination. 

You may be struggling with sickness. The medical reports are not good. Instead of feeling discourage, change the picture. Imagine yourself healthy, running, free from pain,.... Keep the right pictures in front of you.

Start seeing yourself the way you want to be everyday.  It may seem unlikely.. but...Have FAITH, BELIEVING is SEEING.  

Esther and Jerry Hicks write "The one who speaks most about illness has illness. The one who speaks about prosperity has prosperity,You attract all of it.

"By focusing on something, you make it happen.

Remember, the more you focus, the more powerful it will be.


วันศุกร์ที่ 27 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557


It's time to change!!!

We all dream to succeed but why some people succeed and some don't. The most competent people are not necessary to be successful in their career. The best person may not be the one who get promoted. In real life, only 1 out of 100 has a gateway to become a talent star. WHY? It's because they don't have strategies. We all need strategies to be successful in our life.

Follow me, and you will easily find the way to success.

Success does not depend on luck!!!

Don't say I'm not lucky; that's why I am not a success. Stop complaining!!! You need to dare to dream. You must have your inner drive. You must have strong energy. Strive to be succeeding. Stop complaining and start taking action. You will be unstoppable!!!

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." –Napoleon Hill

You need to believe in yourself. You need to have determination.  With good intentions, there may be someone who thinks that you paid your attention in another direction.  Stick to your unstoppable attitude, believe in your intuition, and determine to succeed.

To be a success, you should focus your efforts on something you enjoy.  You should make a list of everything you love and find interesting.  Write down the positive skills.   This will help you narrow choices down based on interest and skill, which gets you started in the right direction for success.

Power is within YOU!!! Do what you are good at!!!

You must find your strengths. Your strengths are ultimately the keys to your success. You should do things that you are already good at. When it comes to the best way to leverage your ability, you should go through your strengths.

Observe your signs and level of excitement. When you engage in activities that you are truly good at, you will increase your level of excitement and energy. Your eyes will grow; your chest will be raised upward. Your speech will be flow and fluid, and your arms are open and spread wider. You will feel alive and motivated when you use your core strength.

You should watch out for things you can do differently than others that make you stand out from a crowd. Your approach should be unique.

Don't waste time to develop your weaknesses, promote your strengths.

I know many unsuccessful people who try to do things that they are not good at. They don't really know themselves. They cannot find their real hidden strengths that can unleash their potential. Finally they are totally a failure.

If your key strengths are in line with your career, you will be absolutely unstoppable.

"Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement." -W. Clement Stone

Stop your Negative Self-Talk!!!

Don't you never ever criticize yourself! Turn down your negative self-talk. Telling yourself you can do something can make it happen. Don't tell yourself you can't do something because it will come true. Negative self-talk can be a weapon that hurts you. Your mind goes round and round replaying bad things and your own shortcomings and have negative feelings.

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life." –Steve Jobs

"Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right." –Henry Ford

There Are Many Paths to Success

In life, there are many alternatives or options you can pursue to be successful in your career. Whatever path you choose, it is important that you should well plan for your goals, abilities, and interests. A career is a lifelong endeavor and a solid beginning will make it a more successful, happier and more rewarding journey.

With Crisis, here comes Opportunity!!!

In crisis, everybody is afraid. They are afraid of the unknown. In fact, out of crisis, there are opportunities. Sky is not a limit for you because you have no limit for yourself. Life is a world with full of risks and possibilities. No matter how hard or easy life is, you will always find a way to enjoy yourself; even in the mist of circumstances; because problems are a sense of adventure and journey to success.

"Limitations live only in our minds.  But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless." -Jamie Paolinetti

Think Big, Dream Big and Dare to Fail!!!

Success begins with your dream. So dream big. Your life is in your hands. No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously choose your thoughts, and you can change your life. There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstance of your life can be changed!

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined." -Henry David Thoreau

Speak to yourself everyday: "I am the best. I can do it!!!"

Life truly stems from your thoughts. Nothing is impossible.  You must translate thoughts into words and actions in order to manifest your thoughts. This means that you have to be very careful with your choice of words, choosing to speak only those which work towards our benefit and cultivate your highest good.

Passion to win!!!

Passion is about feelings and the "fire within you."

The most powerful weapon is your soul and mind on fire. When you determine to be on fire, you will be unstoppable. Chase for success!

The future is made up of many factors but where it truly lies is in your hearts and minds. Your dedication is the most important. Unleash your passion.

Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your focus. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. You must be active, energetic, determined and faithful. No success was achieved without enthusiasm and energy.

Do what you love!!!

Everyone is proud of what we do well; and we are not proud of what we do not do well. When we do something we love, our hearts and souls are in our work. We can do many times as much with less fatigue.

Concentrate your energy, thought and feeling on activities in which you are engaged. Adopt every improvement and fire your energy.

Fall in love with your life and with what you do. Do what you love, and love what you do. The key point is love. You have to get up in the morning and do something you love, something to live for.

วันจันทร์ที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

12 Ways how to improve your LEADERSHIP!!!

1. VISION: Create VISION. Be futuristic. Focus your attention on what matters most and what you want to accomplish.

2. INTEGRITY: It is your wholeness. It is how to make others TRUST you. Be honest to yourself and others!!! Walk your talk!!!

3. CONFIDENCE: Confidence is a key element for leadership. Make a commitment to develop this skill. Boost your self-esteem and self-confidence.

4. COMMUNICATION: Improve your communication skill to effectively and clearly convey your ideas, feelings and intentions.

5. POSITIVE ATTITUDE: See positive sides. Think positive thoughts. Keep moving forward. It is vital for success. 

6. INTUITION: It is ability to know something without any proof or evidence.  It is a feeling that guides you. Believe in your intuition.

7. POWER:  Develop POWERFUL appearance, voice and body language.

8. WARMTH: Be nice, say "Thank you", appreciate everything and have a kind heart.

9. ENTHUSIASM: Feel excitement about everything you do. Be energetic.

10. CREATIVITY: Think of new ideas and turn them into reality. 

11. EMPATHY: Put yourself into others' positions. Understand and feel how they feel. People want to feel understood.

12. HUMILITY: Be humble and modest. Don't think you are better than others. Respect others.

วันเสาร์ที่ 21 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

12 Ways how to be CONFIDENT!!!

1.THINK "GOOD" things about yourself. Think happy thoughts. Think positively!

2. SMILE - YOU feel much more confident when you smile. Smiling makes you more attractive to others!

3. DRESS WELL. Good dressing can give you appearance of being confident and attractive. You can feel much more confident!

4. KNOW your STRENGTHExpress and show your strengths and abilities!

5. BREATH Slowly and Deeply.  This can benefit your body and mind. You will feel relaxed and more confident.

6. SHOW open and confident posture. Giving eye contact and speaking with gestures will project your confidence.

7. LISTEN or READ inspirational messages every morning. This is to boost and cheer you up. You will have fresh energy to work through the day.

8. TAKE ACTION and achieve something every day. This gives you a sense of pride and achievement in yourself.

9. VISUALIZE your SUCCESS. Put power of your mind. Imagine what you want to see. Then go out and do it!

10. GIVE yourself REWARD. Regularly reward and give words of encouragement to yourself!  

11. Actively LISTEN in stead of judging others. Open your mind and learn. Make a conscious effort to hear and understand other people. 

12. Build good RELATIONSHIPS with others. Create strong relationships with ones who provide best support in your life. This will boost up all aspects of your life. It strengthens your mind and your connections with others.

วันศุกร์ที่ 20 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

12 Ways how to be HAPPY!!!

1. SMILE...SMILE...SMILE - YOU feel much happier when you smile. People around you are happy too. Smile makes you feel good.

2. Be POSITIVE.... Think of the BRIGHT side in every situation. Your life will change and you will enjoy the power of Positive Thinking.

3. FORGIVE... If you CHOOSE to live a happy life, FORGIVE others. NO ONE can hurt you without your consent.

4. LOVE YOURSELF.....  BOOST your self-esteem. Think of the good things about yourself. Dress nicely. Practice good posture that increases your self confidence.

5. LOVE OTHERS.... Give help to someone. Stop thinking about yourself too much. Do something very nice to others. Give compliments.

6. Say THANK YOU... Gratitude is the way to happiness and abundance. Say "Thank you" every time when some one does something for you.

7. Change your THOUGHT....it can change you life. Think of good things that boosts up your MOOD. You can only think one thought at one moment. So choose the good one that cheers you up.

8. Be with NATURE...Appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds you, e.g., sky, trees, birds, flowers, etc.

9. LOVE your JOB... Sometimes you may feel stress in your job. Find good things that motivate you and enjoy yourself. Create a pleasant workplace. Build good relationship with your boss and colleagues.

10. BREATH DEEPLY and SLOWLY... You can feel your mind relaxing. Slow breathing can increase oxygen and boost up your energy.

11. LAUGH a lot... Laugh can heal the world and a lot of hurts. When we laugh, endorphin in our brain is released. We will feel good. Pain will be relieved.  Happiness will be increased.

12. SLEEP enough.... You should get a lot of sleep to stay in good mood all the time. When you are in a good mood, you will become a happy person.

12 Inspirational Quotes!!!

THESE may change your LIFE!!!

1. "Every day may not be GOOD ... But there is something GOOD in every day."

2. "The best way to predict the future is to CREATE it."

3. "If you are always trying to be normal, you will NEVER know how AMAZING you can be."

4. "If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down."

5. "Life only comes around once, so do whatever makes you happy, and be with whoever makes you smile."

6. "The kindest thing you can do for the people you care is, to become a happy and joyous person."

7. "Don't feel bad if someone rejects you. People usually reject expensive things because they can't afford them"

8. "Think Positive, Be Positive, and Positive things will happen."

9. "Worry is a total waste of time. It doesn't change anything. All it does is steal your joy and keep you very busy doing nothing."

10. "Before you speak: THINK!!! T=Is it True?  H=Is it Helpful?  I=Is it Inspiring?  N=Is it Necessary?  K=Is it Kind?"

11. "A Negative Mind will never give you a POSITIVE LIFE

12. "Always BELIEVE something WONDERFUL is about to happen."